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DLC Master of Magic: Scourge of the Seas

Exploring the ocean's secrets with new features like Treasure Island, a submerged paradise with treasures and challenges, and Wind Caves, mysterious grottos with hidden riches and unique combat challenges. Brace for turmoil, as pirate scum now infests these once-tranquil waters. Encounter 4 new Wizards with their own unique traits and playstyles.

Base Games, one is required to play the DLC

Title Date
[PC] Installer v1.09.13 Feb 08, 2024

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MuHa Games
English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Polish
PDF E-Book

Master of Magic: Scourge of the Seas is an expansion that brings new wizards, races, heroes, and challenges to the world of Arcanus. Dive into an exciting adventure filled with magic, mayhem, and conquest as you explore the depths of the mystical seas.

Explore the New Race:

Once fearsome orcs who refused to give up their war-like ways and became pirates, the scourgers have been cursed, becoming spectral beings driven by greed and envy. They can traverse land and sea effortlessly, and they have unique buildings and units to enhance their abilities.

New Heroes with Unique Events:

Meet three exceptional heroes, each with their own captivating stories and unique events. Ph’ym the Philomath, Big Berta, and Slithers the Sea Scourge are ready to join your cause, offering their services to the highest bidder.

Conquer New Challenges:

Embark on a journey to the depths of the sea, explore the Reef Island and the Wind Caves, and face new enemies and challenges. These unique locations provide thrilling encounters and treasures for intrepid explorers.

Face Monstrous Boss Lairs:

Challenge yourself by confronting the monstrous Kraken bosses in the Reef Island and Wind Caves, earning unique Wizard Traits that can only be gained by defeating them.

Harness New Water Resources:

Utilize three new map resources - pearls, reef, and fish - to enhance your shoreline cities. A new Arcane spell allows you to harvest sea resources that fall outside of your city's catchment area.


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