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DLC Rule the Waves 3: Expanded Battles

Rule the Waves 3: Expanded Battles is a new DLC that will give you the ability to generate custom naval battles straight from the games start menu. You will be able to choose the time period, scale, and location of your fleet actions, and design custom ships for the battle. Pre-made historical battles will also be included like Second Guadalcanal and Dogger Bank.

Base Games, one is required to play the DLC

Recent NEWS

Rule the Waves 3 Announced

Aug. 24, 2022 - Rule the Waves 3 Announced


Naval Warfare Simulations

Prepare to return to the definitive naval warfare simulation game, Rule the Waves 3, with the new Expanded Battles expansion! Take your love and knowledge of 20th century naval warfare from the exciting campaigns of the base game and get ready to craft and fight the naval battles of your dreams.

Have you ever wanted to see a Jutland-style battleship slugfest set in World War II? Have you wondered how the Japanese super battleship Yamato would fare against a navy from the early missile age? What would happen if a US armada fought the Italian navy for control of the Mediterranean? You can see what happens in all these scenarios and more with the Expanded Battles expansion.

For those looking for an easier entry point into the series or anyone looking to fight naval engagements from across 20th century naval history, this expansion brings a diverse range of premade historical scenarios for players to test their skills as admirals and learn the intricacies of the game’s tactical battles.

For those who prefer a short fight to a long campaign or just want to get right to the battle, the new Quick Battles system allows you to generate new battles from across the Rule the Waves 3 timeline, ranging from small skirmishes to full fleet battles and matching up balanced or unbalanced forces from very different periods.

Also included is a ship editor that will allow for players to share their favourite ship designs with the community and a detailed scenario editor to craft and share any naval battle your mind can cook up.

Rule the Waves 3: Expanded Battles adds exciting new content and gameplay options to an already packed singleplayer experience.